Frequently Asked Questions

The information below lists our expectations, frequent asked questions, and guidelines here at Uplift Bungee Fitness. If you have any question we did not answer please contact us.

Always consult with your physician before starting a new exercise program.

Are there any restrictions?

Yes. Restrictions are set in place for the safety and success of our participants. DO NOT participate in a BUNGEE class if:

  • You are not within the weight threshold of 90 to 275 lbs (There is no weight restrictions for non-bungee classes)
  • Ages 14-15 can participate only with a parent/guardian present or participating in a regular class. Weight limit is still required.
  • You are pregnant or think you are pregnant. You are less than 6-8 weeks postpartum & have not been cleared by your physician to resume exercise
  • You have had recent surgery and have not yet been cleared by your physician to exercise.
  • You have a current injury and have not yet been cleared by your physician to exercise.
  • You have chronic neck or back conditions and have not been cleared by your physician to exercise.
  • You are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

What should I wear?

We recommend wearing comfortable athletic leggings or bike shorts, a tank top or t-shirt, supportive athletic shoes, and medium-high impact sports bra (if applicable). Loose clothing and short shorts are NOT recommended. For men, please wear supportive, fitted clothing. Loose basketball shorts and boxers are NOT recommended. *If you own padded bicycle shorts you should bring them for extra comfort.

When should I arrive?

We would like you to arrive 15 minutes early. Doors do LOCK 2 mins before class starts. Due to safety and fairness to myself and the participants, I can not jump out of my harness to let late people inside.

What should I bring?

Bring your own water bottle and a sweat towel if you like!

Do I need to sign a wavier?

Yes. All participants must fill out and sign our health history questionnaire and liability wavier before that can take any class. Participants under the age of 18, must have parent/ legal guardian sign a consent/liability waiver before they participate in a class.

What are your hours of operation?

Uplift Bungee Fitness does not have set business hours. All participants must book online before attending a class.

Do you have childcare?

Unfortunately, No. We are not equipped for a childcare. Neither children nor pets are allowed in the studio for safety reasons.

What happens if I need to cancel?

If you need to cancel, you will do so through the Vagaro App or
website within 4 hours of class start. Please refer to our Cancellation Policy.